The study examined the problems facing English teachers in teaching literature in English in Nigerian senior secondary schools
In order to answer the questions of the study, the researcher adopted the descriptive analytical approach. The sample of the study consisted of (184) male and female teachers of English and (20) English language supervisors in six secondary schools in Uyo, AkwaIbom state. The researcher reviewed many books, previous studies, journals and related literature to get benefit from and to decide on the relevant procedures to follow while carrying out the study.
In order to achieve the aims of the study, a questionnaire of (75) items divided into three domains representing the three literature components (short story, poetry, and drama) was designed by the researcher and validated by a panel of 17 referees to be used as the main instrument of the study.
The data of the study were collected, computed and analyzed by using SPSS programme and applying the following tests :Alpha Cronbach Method, Gutman coefficient for unequal halves, Split-half techniques, t-test independent sample and One Way ANOVA.
The researcher listed a number of problems facing English teachers in teaching English in English in Nigerian secondary schools students. The researcher found out that understanding these problems will help teachers, supervisors and syllabus designers to identify the problems and find solutions to improve the process of teaching literature. The study also revealed that there were no statistically significant differences attributed to teachers' gender, age or years of experience in the problems facing English teachers in teaching literature.
In the light of these findings, the researcher suggested some recommendations for syllabus designers, supervisors and teachers to overcome the problems facing English teachers in teaching literature and to adopt more effective approaches to teaching literature. The study recommends that teachers should vary the techniques they used to adopt when teaching literature, and to be aware of the values of teaching English literature for the Nigerian society. The study also recommends that supervisors should pass their experience to teachers through training courses, workshops and micro-teaching to train English teachers to teach literature effectively. It was also suggested that further research should be conducted on the effectiveness of teaching literature in the Nigerian culture.